Why You Need a Family Lawyer During a Child Custody Dispute.


If you have a child with someone you are not married to, or if you are divorcing with your spouse, you may find yourself embroiled in a child custody case. One of your immediate actions in such situations should be to seek the services of a family lawyer. The lawyer will provide insight into the various avenues you can pursue to solve the issue. Below are a few other reasons why you should hire a family lawyer.

19 December 2018

What to Do If Your Emotional Support Animal Is Not Allowed to Go Where You Want to

Law Blog

Sometimes it can be very difficult to deal with the stresses and strains of everyday life. Unfortunately, many Australians suffer from some form of emotional disability and find it challenging to address situations or circumstances that others may find normal. If you find yourself in this position, you may prefer to turn for support to your four-legged friends instead of another human being and may rely on an emotional support animal just to get by.

23 October 2018

All There Is to Know About Challenging A Will

Law Blog

Challenging or contesting a will can be a daunting task. First, losing a loved one or a family member is difficult and challenging their will makes it an even more emotional process. Also, courts are often wary when it comes to changing wills and going against the wishes of the deceased and will only do so for legitimate reasons. If you or any interested party feels they have been left out of a will, you may consider contesting it.

22 August 2018

Prenuptial Tips: Practical Guidelines for Preparing a Binding Financial Agreement

Law Blog

A binding financial agreement is a legal contract which outlines a couple's assets and the potential division of these assets and liabilities in case of separation or divorce. This agreement is commonly known as a prenuptial agreement because it is drafted prior to the wedding. However, the financial agreement can be drafted during and after the marriage. It is more favourable to prepare the document before to avoid unnecessary complications. Here are practical tips to help you navigate the preparation of a binding financial agreement.

30 June 2018

Was Your Child Injured by a Defective Product? Here's What to Do


It can be scary and disheartening to purchase a baby product only for it to affect the health of your baby. This could be a food product such as defective baby formula, a crib mobile that fell on your child in their sleep or even a toy that was poorly made with small removable parts that almost choked the baby. Whichever the case, such an issue should not be thrown under the rug.

18 May 2018

Commercial Law: Understanding Your Options for Getting Out of Contract

Law Blog

Contracts can be beneficial because they ensure that your agreements with investors, partners and customers are official. If the other party goes against your agreement, you can minimise the financial losses by using the formal contract to proof the existence of the deal. Unfortunately, a contract can also put your business at a disadvantage. Simply speaking, you might sign a disadvantageous document or become trapped in an unfavourable business relationship. If you abandon the deal without a plan, you could expose your business to high losses.

6 April 2018

Why an Unexpected Person May Become an Heir

Law Blog

Did you know that someone can become an heir to your property when you didn't intend it to happen? Read on and discover some of the situations under which unexpected heirs may arise. Use this information to reexamine your estate plan to ascertain that your property will be distributed in accordance with your wishes in case you pass on. Involvement in Testator Death A probate court may assign some or all of your property to an unexpected heir if the individual that you had named as your heir takes part in causing your death.

26 February 2018

Workers Compensation Lawyers: How They Can Benefit You

Law Blog

Work related injuries are unfortunate occurrences than can leave you damaged physically, emotionally and even financially. If you have suffered a work-related injury, you should consider looking into getting one of the many workers compensation lawyers available to represent your interests. What sort of help will you get from a workers compensation lawyer? Workers compensation lawyers can be of great advantage in your compensation claim. Some of these advantages include the following.

22 January 2018